Supporting everyone in franchising

7th March 2017
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Wednesday 8th March 2017 marks International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is #BeBoldForChange. This campaign aims to forge a better working world – a more gender inclusive working world.

At The Family Holidays Franchise, we encourage equality in franchising and also support the not-for-profit organisation, EWIF – Encouraging Women into Franchising. EWIF are looking to change the face of the franchise sector, resulting in women having a much larger presence.

Stats show only 17% of UK business owners are made up of women, but 30% of franchisees are now owned and run by females.  The industry is quickly becoming more appealing to women and we have compiled a list of reasons why everyone should consider franchising:

  • Franchising gives you a trusted brand name – Take on the model of a well know and longstanding company that has perfected their business concept. Building a solid reputation takes time and money, this route gives you a head start with your new business.


  • Franchising provides trainingBuying a franchise gives you access to a comprehensive training programme that will lead you through the setup and management of your own business. Experience in your chosen field isn’t always necessary; your passion will result in success.


  • Franchising delivers ongoing support – Built-in support systems offer franchisees access to industry experts and live management information 24/7. Optional support visits, contact with other franchisees or office colleagues – there’s always support available.


  • Franchising gives you independenceThere are numerous benefits to being your own boss. Take control of your own schedule and fit your business around your family and other lifestyle commitments.


  • Take control of your earnings with franchisingThere is no limit on what you can earn with your franchise, the success is down to you and your drive. As long as you are determined and committed to your decision, you are guaranteed to be successful.

By Alice Wise

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